The Honeymoon Suite
is situated on the 2nd floor of the Moray Chambers building in upper
Moray Place. Access is via a staircase or lift from street level. The available spaces
comprise: a large room (main room), two smaller rooms (office, small room),
kitchen and storage areas. In the main room all walls are concrete except the wall dividing the kitchen and main room, which is constructed of wood. In the office and small room the walls are made of wood. All walls are painted white, and there is a white plaster ceiling in all rooms. The main room is lit by windows on two walls that provide good natural light. Artificial light is provided by a bank of eighteen hanging lights. The office has a window and one central light. The small room is without windows and is lit by a single hanging light. Power points are situated around the main room, kitchen and office. The kitchen has a bench and sink with cold water. Toilets are available on the 2nd floor for use by visitors and gallery staff. All the rooms are available for exhibitors to use, including the office, although this must be negotiated with gallery co-ordinators. |
Supported by |
ceiling height window height window sill height door widths |
316 191 100 80, 110 (entrance) |
power light pillar |
all measurements in (cm) |
key |